About Me

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Brian J. W. Lee is a writer. When he's not writing, he's plotting to plunge the world in a deep chasm of terror, darkness and screams. Sorry, did I get carried away?

Monday, 24 April 2017

What's Been Going On With Me

So basically, I've dropped off the radar for a while - but I've a good explanation for that, if my previous posts weren't. I've been adjusting to a new lifestyle of increased workload in addition to increased working hours, not just 42 hours a week at the office, but another 4.5 hours tutoring outside, all these not counting travel time. The rest of my time had been eaten up by writing, not to mention more mundane but necessary activities (such as exercising and socialising with friends).

However, that's not what I'm here to talk about, as I'm sure you guys are bored to tears by now of hearing about how I'm trying to cope :D (Sorry...). I'm here to talk about what progress I've made in my writing life.

Let's get the basics down on paper first:

- Draft 2 of my short stories collection is basically done. Now, I'm just going to throw in a few more last minute changes before I put it in the hands of an editor - whoever that may be.

- Draft 1 of my Keeper of Pulau Purba interquel short story for a horror anthology is nearing completion, now at 18,621 words. The goal is at least 25,000 words, though chances are high, as is usual with me, that I will overrun and turn out something longer, maybe up to 30,000 words.

And then, there's my progress personally as a writer. This experience of both editing one project and writing another has driven me to a greater height of productivity. At my best, for example, I could be looking at 1,000 words written and then 2,000 words edited in a single day, rather than one or the other. It'd worked remarkably well for me, as I suppose I'm using different parts of my noggins' in different activities.

And then, there's this amazing writer's group I've met up with just today. It's called the Self-Published and Aspiring Author's Group (Hmm did I get the name right?), based in Singapore. It's basically a group of writers hanging out to exchange tips and reviews.

I went there expecting myself to be the unwashed newbie of the group...

Only to be told that I'm actually one of the most experienced (new) member of the group...

And why? Well, for publishing my debut novel.

But despite this, I've gained a lot of useful insights from them - these people had done a lot of research and work in preparation for what I myself have done a mere 8 months ago.

Furthermore, there's something about teaching that could help the teacher just as much. By stating the facts - What I've learnt in my writer's journey, I'm reinforcing it, so that I won't forget, so that I'll practice what I preach. So that I will build off of what I've learnt so far.

Only good things can come out of it.

And only good things will come from now on.

I'm thinking that I should show an excerpt of what I've been working on here. Stay tuned!