Descent Into Darkness, the anthology I've participated with, will be out on the 10th of October. As a participating author of the anthology, it would be an understatement to say that I am thrilled and can't wait to see it happen.
But before that, on the night before it does (at least, according to Singapore time), I'm going to do my due duty and sit in an hour's vigil while the machinery of the great Amazon grinds and pushes the book ever forwards to the new release market.
Doing what, you asked? Well, as you know, it's an anthology featuring 19 other authors, other than me...
So what I'm going to do is to go through every single one of the authors in that book and introduce them to you. Full disclosure though: I am not exactly a socialite or something, so I hardly know them beyond a few nuggets of information. So in a way, this is also a way for me to atone for this grave sin, and to get to know my fellow anthology-mates a little better before the book's send-off to the million-headed judge that is the internet.
Now, let's begin with the man who started it all...
Tony Urban, probably while on the way to visiting the site of Cthulu's manifestation
He's one major proof that author's don't just sit behind a desk and type on a keyboard all day long. We actually go out and do stuff, like, whenever. Hell, I certainly know that I don't, if only because I have a day job and friends to keep in contact with. With him though, he leans more towards the Indiana Jones type, it seems.
Who knows what dark secret of the Earth he has uncovered in his travels?
But other than that, he writes zombie fiction, and really ass-kicking ones at that.
Patrick Logan, staring off into the distance - Who knows what dark memory he was recalling...
He's done things that would certainly warrant a few horror novels or a hundred. Makes sense, considering that 'for more than a decade he spent his days chopping up body parts during his Master's and PhD degrees in pathology.' Now that explains that stare he's got in that picture.
I wonder what has he uncovered in those mountains of flesh in his pursuit of the ultimate truth?
He's also a writer of books putting a dark spin on every family member you could possibly have - it's only a matter of time before he moves on to Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Grandmas and what not. Judging from his success, I'd love to see it happen!
(No Picture Available - Imagine an appropriate creature capable of summoning the dark to take its place)
Shayne Rutherford - A new author like me (Psst... Support us! Pwetty Pwease? *Waves coin bucket*)
There's nothing much I can pull from his presence in Amazon, but he does have one book out. But if that one book is any indication, the portal he's building to the netherworld is promising... So very promising... *convulses*
*Ahem* Anyway, it's a short story about a man spending the night at a haunted house on a dare. Halloween's fast approaching, so that's perfect, heh.
G. M. Sherwin, back in the 19th century when- I mean 21st century. Darn, I've given away his secret.
Amazon Author Profile:
G. M. Sherwin
Another new author around the block who's in my league, he's taken a slightly different path from mine in that he's delving into both horror and science fiction at the same time, while I went along with horror and military at the same time.
So if you like a unique blend of sci-fi and horror, check out his stuff! He seems to be aiming to do everything at least once, if you look at his catalogue.
Well, that's all for now. The witching hour's fast approaching, and I've got my own demons to summon. Can't afford to fall behind on my demon quota, can I?
I'll introduce you guys to more of my fellow anthology-mates tomorrow :)